

3-1  中国残疾人事业主要业务进展情况 Summary on the   Development of the Work for Persons with Disabilities
(2015-2019) (2015-2019)

指  标  名  称 Item 2015-2019年完成情况 Implementation (2015-2019)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

康  复

1. 残疾人精准康复服务
Provision of Targeted Rehabilitation Service

视力残疾人 (万人) Visual  Disability (10,000 persons) - 40.0 88.3 120.5 112.2
听力残疾人 (万人) Hearing  Disability (10,000 persons) - 18.5 40.7 66.1 73.1
言语残疾人 (万人) Speech Disability (10,000 persons) - - 4.3 7.5 4.4
肢体残疾人 (万人) Physical Disability (10,000 persons) - 135.7 484.6 592.3 553.5
智力残疾人 (万人) Intellectual  Disability (10,000 persons) - 23.1 71.3 83.8 82.3
精神残疾人 (万人) Mental Disability (10,000 persons) - 62.6 125.9 150.8 161.5
多重残疾人 (万人) Multiple   Disabilities (10,000 persons) - - 35.5 48.2 46.8
2. 残疾人辅助器具供应服务
Provision of Assistive Devices

辅助器具供应 (万人) Assistive Devices   Provided (10,000 persons) - 132.2 244.4 319.1 314.5
3. 康复机构建设
Construction of Rehabilitation Institution

残疾人康复机构 (个) Rehabilitation   Institutions for PWDs (unit) 7111 7858 8334 9036 9775
康复机构在岗人员 (万人) Staff of   Rehabilitation Institutions (10,000 persons) 23.2 22.3 24.6 25.0 26.4
4. 社区康复
Community-Based   Rehabilitation  (CBR)

开展社区康复服务的县(市、区)* (个) Counties and   Districts Providing CBR (unit) 2956 2962 2988 2750 2731
社区康复协调员 (万人) CBR Coordinators (10,000 persons) 40.6 45.4 47.9 47.8 47.8
教  育

1. 学前教育
Pre-school Education

残疾人事业专项彩票公益金助学 (人) Students Supported   by Educational Projects Funded by (person) 12127 14412 18685 17216 15393
Welfare Lottery   Fund for PWDs

其他残疾儿童学前教育助学 (人) Students supported   by Other Pre-School Educational Projects for (person) 1767 2607 2971 4993 7489
Disabled   Children

2. 残疾人高级中等教育
Senior Secondary Education for PWDs

特教普通高中 (个) Special Education   Senior High Schools (unit) 109 111 112 102 103
特教普通高中在校学生 (人) Students in Special   Education Senior High Schools (person) 7488 7686 8466 7666 8676
中等职业教育机构 (个) Secondary Vocational   Schools (unit) 100 118 132 133 145
中等职业教育在校学生 (人) Students in   Secondary Vocational Schools (person) 8134 11209 12968 19475 17319
3. 残疾人高等教育
Higher Education for PWDs

高等特殊教育院校 (个) Special Higher   Education Institutions (unit) 20 21 21 23 23
高等特殊教育院校录取残疾考生 (人) Disable Students   Admitted to Special Higher Education Institutions (person) 1678 1942 1845 1873 2053
普通高等院校录取残疾考生 (人) Disable Students   Admitted to Regular Higher Education Institutions (person) 8508 9592 10818 11154 12362
4. 扫盲教育 (人) Anti-Illiteracy Education (person) - 43408 42782 52462 36461


Counties   (cities and districts) providing community rehabilitation service include   formal administrative divisions and development

zones,   informal administrative divisions such as management committees, and   county-level units subordinate to the Xinjiang

Production and Construction   Corps .

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指  标  名  称 Item 2015-2019年完成情况  Implementation(2015-2019)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

就  业

1. 城乡持证残疾人就业状况
Employment of PWDs in Urban and Rural Areas

按比例就业 (万人) Employed through   Quoto Scheme (10,000 persons) - 66.9 72.7 81.3 74.9
集中就业 (万人) Employed through   PWDs-Oriented Post (10,000 persons) - 29.3 30.2 33.1 29.1
个体就业 (万人) Self-Employed (10,000 persons) - 63.9 70.6 71.4 64.2
公益性岗位就业 (万人) Employed through   Welfare Post (10,000 persons) - 7.9 9.0 13.1 14.4
辅助性就业 (万人) Assistive Employment (10,000 persons) - 13.9 14.4 14.8 14.3
灵活就业(含社区就业、居家就业) (万人) Flexible Employment (10,000 persons) - 262.9 272.6 254.6 228.2
从事农业种养加 (万人) Engaged in   Agricultural Planting, Husbandry and Processing (10,000 persons) - 451.2 472.5 480.1 430.1
2. 盲人按摩
Massage by the Blind

Massage Training

保健按摩人员 (人) Training for   Health-Care Masseurs (person) 19979 18997 20796 19732 14678
医疗按摩人员 (人) Training for   Therapeutical Masseurs (person) 5165 5267 7217 10160 7318
Institutions of Blind   Massage

医疗按摩机构 (个) Therapeutical   Massage Clinics (unit) 1025 1211 1255 1126 894
保健按摩机构 (个) Health-Care   Massage Houses (unit) 17171 18605 19257 16776 13181
Social Security

1. 社会保险
Social Insurance

残疾居民参加城乡社会养老保险 (万人) PWDs Covered by   Pension Scheme (10,000 persons) 2229.6 2370.6 2614.7 2561.2 2630.7
2. 托养服务
Institutional Care Services

托养服务机构 (个) Institutional Care   Service Facilities (unit) 6352 6740 7923 8435 9941
托养残疾人 (万人) PWDs Receiving   Institutional Care Service (10,000 persons) 100.5 104.2 101.1 111.1 116.2
扶  贫
Poverty Alleviation

1. 实用技术培训 (万人次) Training on Practical   Skills and Technologies for PWDs (10,000 person-times) 72.7 75.6 70.6 58.8 50.9
2. 残疾人扶贫资金落实情况
Poverty Alleviation Fund for PWDs

贷款实际落实 (亿元) Actual   Implementation of The Loan (100 million yuan) 7.6 6.6 4.1 3.1 1.8
项目贷款扶持贫困残疾人 (人) Financially   Difficult Disabled Persons Supported by Loans for Project (person) 12184 8633 12155 6605 3451
到户贷款扶持贫困残疾人 (人) Financially Difficult Disabled Persons Supported by Loans to   Households                    (person) 16311 13866 9041 6720 2739
3. 残疾人扶贫基地建设
Poverty Alleviation Bases for PWDs in Rural Areas

残疾人扶贫基地 (个) Poverty Alleviation   Bases for PWDs (unit) 6693 7111 6692 5490 4662
安置残疾人就业 (万人) PWDs Provided with   Employment Opportunities (10,000 persons) 11.4 11.6 10.5 7.0 6.2
扶持带动贫困残疾人 (万户) Benefited PWDs with   Financial Difficult (10,000 households) 25.0 24.9 21.8 13.5 10.0
4. 农村贫困残疾人危房改造
House Renovation for Financially Difficult PWDs in Rural Areas

危房改造 (万户) Houses Renovated for   PWDs (10,000 households) 6.9 8.2 8.2 11.3 10.4
受益残疾人 (万人) Benefited PWDs (10,000 persons) 9.1 10.4 9.6 13.0 11.5
Publicity and Cultural Activities

1. 宣传
Publicity at Provincial and Municipal Level

省、市级广播电台残疾人专题节目 (个) Radio Programs on   Disability (unit) 235 223 223 230 244

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指  标  名  称
Item 2015-2019年完成情况  Implementation (2015-2019)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

省、市级电视手语栏目 (个) TV Programmes with   Sign Language (unit) 262 269 285 295 304
2. 文化
Cultural Activities at Provincial and Municipal Level

省、市级盲文及盲人有声读物阅览室 (个) Reading Rooms with   Braille and Audio Reading Materials (unit) 420 267 282 301 312
省、市级残疾人文化周 (场次) Cultural Week for PWDs                                                                                         (session) 1062 1002 1037 940 1072
省、市级残疾人文化艺术类比赛及展览 (次) Cultural or Artistic   Competitions and Exhibitions for PWDs (time) 803 719 640 663 799
维  权
Rights Protection

1. 法规体系和政策文件
Legal System

制定或修改关于残疾人的专门 (个) Disability-Specific   Laws and Regulations Formulated or Amended (unit) 13 19 21 24 21

制定或修改保障残疾人权益的 (个) Normative Documents   on Rights of PWDs Formulated or Amended (unit) 338 285 217 228 255

2. 执法检查
Inspections on Law Enforcement

人大执法检查或专题调研 (次) Inspections and   Researches by People’s Congresses (time) 548 392 290 294 293
政协视察或专题调研 (次) Inspections and   Researches by Political Consultative Conferences (time) 565 370 267 280 229
3. 法律救助
Legal Aid

残疾人法律救助工作站 (个) Legal Assistance   Stations for PWDs (unit) 1542 1670 1746 1814 2021
4. 参政议政
PWDs Participating in Administration and Discussion of State   Affairs

协助人大代表、政协委员 (件) Bills, Suggestions   and Proposals Submitted with Assistance (case) 1406 956 753 833 733
of Disabled   Persons' Federations

办理人大、政协交办的议案、建议、提案 (件) Suggestions and   Proposals Handled by Disabled Persons' Federations (case) 1238 988 993 1081 1113
5. 无障碍环境建设
Accessible Environments Building

无障碍环境建设与管理法规、政府令 (个) Regulations and Decrees on Accessible Environments Building   and (unit) 451 451 451 475 537


残疾人家庭无障碍改造 (万户) Accessibility Renovation for Homes of   PWDs                                      (10,000 households) - 93.6 89.2 115.8 136.0
6. 残疾人机动轮椅车燃油补贴 (万人) Gas Subsidy for Motorized   Wheelchairs of PWDs                                 (10,000   persons) 71.3 75.3 74.9 65.1 47.4

3-1  续表 3 Continued 3

指  标  名  称 Item 2015-2019年完成情况  Implementation  (2015-2019)
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Organizational Structure

1. 省市县乡云开平台官网入口网址实有人员 (万人) Staff of Disabled Persons’ Federations at Provincial,   Municipal, County (10,000 persons) 11.1 11.3 11.3 11.1 11.1

and Township Level

2. 市级云开平台官网入口网址
Disabled Persons’ Federations at Municipal Level

配备残疾人领导干部的云开平台官网入口网址 (个) Disabled Persons'   Federations Whose Leadership Include PWDs (unit) 244 235 229 236 240
残疾人干部 (人) Staff with   Disability (person) 423 409 418 429 432
3. 县级云开平台官网入口网址
Disabled Persons’ Federations at County Level

配备残疾人干部的云开平台官网入口网址 (个) Disabled Persons'   Federations Whose Leadership Include PWDs (unit) 1630 1584 1572 1499 1450
残疾人干部 (人) Staff with   Disability (person) 2211 2180 2165 2195 2133
4. 乡级云开平台官网入口网址与村级残疾人协会
Disabled Persons’ Federations in Township (Town,   Sub-district)

and Villages   (Communities)

已建乡、镇、街道云开平台官网入口网址 (万个) Disabled Persons'   Federation Established (10,000 units) 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.8
其中:已配专兼职理事长 (万人) Disabled   Persons' Federation with Full-Time (Part-Time) President (10,000 persons) 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.1
已建村(社区)残疾人协会 (万个) Associations of   Disabled Persons Established in Villages (Communities) (10,000 units) 58.6 58.4 58.6 54.9 54.0
选聘残疾人专职委员 (万人) Full-time   Commissioners for Disability Issues (10,000 persons) 61.4 61.3 59 58.7 58.1
5. 省级以下各类专门协会
Special Associations below Provincial Level

盲人协会 (个) Associations of   Persons with Visual Disability (unit) 3120 3147 3145 3140 3018
聋人协会 (个) Associations of   Persons with Hearing Disability (unit) 3107 3133 3130 3121 3006
肢残人协会 (个) Associations of   Persons with Physical Disability (unit) 3127 3159 3155 3154 3035
智力残疾人及亲友协会 (个) Associations of   Persons with Intellectual Disability and Their  Relatives (unit) 2953 2986 3003 2991 2873

and Friends

精神残疾人及亲友协会 (个) Associations of   Persons with Psychosocial Disability and Their  Relatives (unit) 2951 2982 3003 2992 2868

and Friends

智力残疾人及亲友协会和精神 (个) Joint Associations   of Persons with Intellectual or Psychosocial Disability (unit) 171 169 117 128 128
残疾人及亲友协会合一的协会 and Their   Relatives and Friends

Service Facilities for PWDs

1. 残疾人综合服务设施
Comprehensive Service Facilities for PWDs

已竣工 (个) Completed   Projects (unit) 2281 2294 2340 2364 2341
总建设规模 (万平米) Construction   Area (10,000 sq.m) 491.4 504.7 533 578.3 584.5
2. 残疾人康复设施
Rehabilitation Service Facilities for PWDs

已竣工 (个) Completed   Projects (unit) 682 762 833 914 1006
总建设规模 (万平米) Construction   Area (10,000 sq.m) 165.7 213.4 261.4 344.9 414.2
3. 残疾人托养设施
Institutional Care Service Facilities for PWDs

已竣工 (个) Completed   Projects (unit) 500 566 649 791 887
总建设规模 (万平米) Construction   Area (10,000 sq.m) 115.4 129.6 161.2 214.8 251.3
Application of IT

1. 残疾人人口基础库数据 (万人) Data of the National   Basic Database of Persons with Disabilities (10,000 persons) 3145.7 3219.4 3404 3566.2 3681.7
2. 省、市、县各级云开平台官网入口网址网站 (个) Websites at Provincial,   Municipal, and County Levels (unit) 1694 1634 1504 1155 1051